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CSIA Member Rebate

Subaru Canada would like to extend this special offer to all Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance members on their next Subaru!


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Since 1938, the not-for-profit Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance (CSIA) has been the premiere professional ski teaching body in this country. The CSIA is a federally recognized teaching institution that has helped establish national standards, and trains and certifies instructors from coast to coast. Additionally, the CSIA also contributes to the sport by encouraging generations of Canadians to pursue active lifestyles in the great outdoors, and by helping create a safe and positive experience for skiers of all ages. This is why we support the CSIA and their efforts through the Subaru Canada CSIA Member Rebate.

All CSIA members are invited to take advantage of this great offer on their next Subaru!

Participant Eligibility

The $750 rebate offer is valid for the purchase or lease of one (1) new Subaru from any authorized Canadian Subaru dealer from January 5, 2024 to January 3, 2025. Only one rebate offer per new vehicle transaction is allowed. This offer is non-transferrable, is valid only for CSIA club members in good standing and cannot be combined with any other offer.

Contact us today to see if you’re eligible!

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